The Importance of Diet in Asthma Treatment: What to Eat and Avoid?

Bronchial asthma is a chronic lung disease that happens when the airways in your lungs swell and narrow down due to the blockage created by excessive mucus. Patients suffering from this condition often need ongoing medical management to alleviate the symptoms. If this condition is not properly controlled by the best chest specialist in Siliguri then you may experience recurrent asthma attacks that can lead to mucus production, bronchospasm, and severe inflammation.

Along with medications and home remedies, diet also plays a significant role in managing the symptoms of asthma. There are certain dietary choices that you can make to manage your weight and inflammation in the body while stopping asthma from worsening. Remember that a healthy diet not only keeps a person away from chronic illnesses but also helps you fight against respiratory viruses so that you can stop any severe asthma emergency or persistent asthma attacks.

Superfoods To Add In Your Asthma Diet

  • Fatty fish

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA are considered ideal to control asthma triggers. You can find these essential nutrients in fatty fish such as sardines, trout, salmon, and tuna. Remember that these fishes can lower inflammation in the body to manage asthma symptoms.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

Another important element for your asthma-friendly diet is fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh veggies and fruits are packed with fibre, anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins which are perfect to boost lung function while protecting the respiratory cells from any further damage.

  • Beans

Beans are also great food choices for asthma patients. Beans have numerous health benefits since it is rich in lean protein, magnesium, potassium, fibre, and antioxidants. Chickpeas, kidney beans, black beans, and lentils are some of the top choices to dampen asthma-related inflammation.

  • Whole grains

It is always a good idea to swap refined grain products with whole grains in your asthma diet. This is because refined grains often lack essential nutrients such as Vitamin B, fibre, healthy fats, and magnesium. However, if you start eating oats, quinoa, buckwheat, or barley then you can all the nutrients.

  • Nuts and seeds

You can also make your asthma diet more nutritious by adding nuts and seeds to it. Walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and almonds are some of the best nuts and seeds that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and healthy fats. These nutrients can surely boost your immune system's functioning.

Foods To Avoid For Effective Asthma Management

  • Products with excessive sugar

To make your asthma diet healthy, you must also avoid certain food items. One such item is sugary products and drinks as they can suppress your immune system while increasing inflammation. Some such products to avoid are baked goods, sweetened beverages, candy, and desserts.

  • High-sulphite foods

Pulmonologists in Siliguri always advise you to avoid high-sulphite foods to control asthma triggers. This is important because most asthma patients are sulphite-sensitive and products with this material can cause symptom flare-ups. Henceforth, try to avoid bottled lemon juice, wine, and shrimp.

  • Fried and fast food

We all know that fried and fast food are unhealthy for us but you must understand that these items are even worse for asthma patients. This is why it is vital to cut down on the intake of fried chicken, burgers, fries, potato chips, and carbonated drinks.

  • Alcohol

Another common asthma trigger that one must avoid is alcohol. Alcohol consumption can provoke various symptoms of asthma such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath while dilating the bronchial airways. If you cannot stop alcohol intake then try to maintain a moderation.

  • Certain food allergens

In some cases, asthma flare-ups also happen due to certain food allergens. This is mainly caused due to the triggering immune reactions. Some food items that may provoke allergy and further worsen asthma are peanuts, wheat, eggs, shellfish, and tree nuts.

Living with asthma can be tough. However, medical guidance from the best chest specialist in Siliguri and a personalized diet plan can help you manage the chronic condition effectively. Fatigue and poor appetite are the symptoms of asthma that can stop you from eating a balanced diet but you have to overcome it to give proper nutrition to the body.


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