Crystalline Silica And Its Associated Health Affects

Crystalline Silica

Silica is the key material that enables the formation of sand, rocks, soil, and other elements of the earth. Silica can be found in two forms such as an amorphous or crystalline structure. Herein, crystalline silica can be considered a concerning substance behind severe disorders affecting various organs of our body, especially the lungs. If your job role requires you to work with this harmful substance then it is essential to contact a reputed lung specialist in Siliguri for continuous monitoring.

These dust-sized particles of silica cannot be seen with the naked eye but once inhaled they can reach your lungs quickly while developing serious inflammation and scarring. If the exposure to silica particles is not managed then it gets stuck in the lungs or can also spread to other parts of the baby through our bloodstream. 

Given below is a brief overview of the serious lung diseases that can be caused by crystalline silica. 


One of the major health risks associated with silica is the development of silicosis. This lung disease is caused by inhaling crystalline particles of silica, which is one of the most common work-related health issues. People working in the industries of pottery, mining, sandblasting, construction, and foundry work are at higher risk of developing this disorder. 


Silicosis is divided into three types based on its severity and ways of development, which include acute, sub-acute, and chronic silicosis. If you have experienced intense exposure to a large amount of silica for several months then you may develop acute silicosis. 

Additionally, you have a higher chance of developing accelerated or sub-acute silicosis in case you have heavier exposure to silica in a shorter period of time. Herein, inhaling silica dust for more than 10 years enhances the risk of suffering from chronic silicosis which can be in the form of progressive massive fibrosis or simple silicosis.


The three main symptoms of silicosis involve fibrosis or scarring, coughing with sputum, and inflammation. Apart from these key signs, you can also develop other symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath, sudden weight loss, fatigue, and recurrent cough. 

If you experience any of these symptoms for a long time then it is advisable to contact a well-known pulmonologist in Siliguri for immediate diagnosis and treatment. 


Before curating an individualized treatment plan, the doctor will perform some diagnostic tests to evaluate your condition. Some effective screening procedures include pulmonary function tests, imaging tests, bronchoalveolar lavage, laboratory tests, and lung biopsy. 

You must always remember the fact that silicosis cannot be cured entirely but can be managed effectively with the necessary steps. Using a bronchodilator, getting flu vaccination, quitting smoking, and using personal protective equipment while working can be the most beneficial measures to manage silicosis. 

Other Lung Diseases 

Apart from silicosis, crystalline silica can also increase the risks of other lung diseases such as lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Inhaling silica dust can lead to the development of abnormal cells in your lungs which can interfere with your normal lung functioning while creating malignant tumours. 

Additionally, COPD caused due to crystalline silica involves the distressing symptoms of both chronic bronchitis and emphysema such as shortness of breath and chronic cough. You must know the fact that both these lung disorders cannot be cured and over time, it will contribute to worsening your lung function. 

If the crystalline silica has impacted most of the areas of your lungs then the lung specialist in Siliguri will recommend you to undergo a lung transplant. The only way to save your lungs and other body parts from harmful silica dust is by following the safety policies at your workplace and always using protective equipment while handling materials with crystalline silica. 


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